Agent Ferguson
Your House-SOLD Name in Palm Beach County Real Estate
Agent Ferguson specialties
Real Estate
20 years experience servicing both buyers and sellers.
New to the area? Just want to test the waters by renting? Let us help you find the perfect rental.
Foreclosure Help
Call us for a free consultation. We can help!
Want to increase your wealth through investing in real estate. We can help!
Short Sales
Owe more than your home is worth? Just not sure if it makes sense to stay in a home under water? Call us for a consulatation.
Property Management
Absentee owner? Want to rest easy knowing your property is in good experienced hands? Give us a call!
Meet the Team
L. Scott Ferguson
Scott Ferguson of Sutter & Nugent Real Estate, based in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida is a 19-year residential real estate veteran. Scott’s motto is to serve and to be selfless, making sure every single client gets the ‘Ritz Carlton’ service they deserve. Growing up in suburban Detroit area, Scott enlisted in the United States Navy in 1990 and served a total of 5 years. Doing deployments in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Kuwait and Dubai. Scott recognizes that for over 86% of the US population their ‘home’ is their biggest investment, not only from a financial standpoint, but from an emotional one as well. And he feels privileged to be a part of the process and wakes up every day doing what he absolutely loves! Scott believes that giving back to the community is key and volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, Soup Kitchens and Reaching Higher program.