Welcome to Episode 004. An eye opening interview with Matt Seidle from Credit Fix Me Now. After slaving for 20+ years working for auto dealerships and taking advantage of consumers, Matt could no longer do it. He started Credit Fix Me Now and he now helps people so they no longer are defenseless. Enjoy!
Credit education is key to a healthy financial life
– Matt Seidle
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Hey, this is Matt side down with credit 50 now and if you really want to learn how to love, love your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast, my friend, Scott.
Hey, listeners, this is Scott Ferguson, it was time to shine today.com and also suffered a real estate business and lifestyle podcast, we’re going to do a cross promotion here with my friend, Matt sidell from credit fix me now. And the reason why I’m putting on both of my platforms is one, the South Florida real estate, business and lifestyle is really geared to my real estate clients. And it helps them with increasing their clients credits, credit score, and whatnot and also for the people around the United States with my time to shine around the world with my time to shine today. podcasts I would like them to get educated on the credit restoration process. So in case you’re in a situation where you know somebody that’s in a situation that needs to level up their credit, then let’s give Matt sideout Listen. So break out your notepad sit back, turn any distractions off because Matt’s gonna drop some serious knowledge and I get signups and I will we can level up our life through credit restoration. So without further ado, here’s Matt sidell
Hey my listeners, my audience. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We’re doing things a little bit different today we have a gentleman who’s not only a fantastic person out here in the marketplace, and a businessman that cares is also a friend of mine. Also a fellow gym rat. He’s a fantastic fantastic man. And we’re what I mean by we’re doing things a little bit differently today is we’re going to kind of cross pollinate, cross pollinate these episodes between my time to shine today squad in also the South Florida real estate, business and lifestyle because Matt does operate with business here in South Florida. The here’s a little bit about Matt. Matt spent 20 years in the car business working for someone else believing that they cared about him and if he did right by them they would do right by Matt man was Matt mistaken that wants to kowtow to the status quo. And he didn’t let customers buy the cars that would put them upside down. This is that Matt to start credit fix me now. Math clients first mentality and the opportunity to run it as he sees fit is brought Matt a ton of fulfillment and everlasting joy to help people level up their lives. Welcome to show brother please share with the time to shine in South Florida squad your favorite color and why
I like dark colors. Gray’s blacks I don’t know why I just do
get your little Johnny Cash will go and man. So let’s just everyone just heard your intro here. And it hits home with me because I’ve been in those clients shoes before with my credits And not being able to afford certain things or if I could afford them, I was getting college like crazy interest rates and stuff. So tell me a little bit of give us a little bit more deeper in depth about your background map.
Okay, so like you read 20 years in the car business, I started out at 17 years old, I was a porter. I didn’t really want to be a porter, but manager at the time, so you come and be the best Porter you can be. And we’ll talk about it then. So six months later, I became a salesman. I’m about 18 years old at the time. And really, I really just had a knack for it. Man, I really wanted to help people. And I think I came across pretty easy because I was young at that time, it worked to my advantage. But then at 25, I became a finance manager. And then being young really didn’t work to my advantage at that time. You know, having to go out and talk to somebody about their previous credit and mistakes and failures and, you know, life and at 25 I really hadn’t experienced a whole bunch. It was really challenging. So I really had to work extra hard to earn the trust of the customer. I think You know being as sincere as possible coming with that humble hat, you know telling that I care about them in it. I think it really set the precedents for my career moving forward because you know, watching somebody sign in man at 22% it just I know what happens you know, you know, subprime customers don’t get to come in and pick the car that they want they get the buy the car they qualify for. And it’s really unfortunate because here you are now buying a car you really don’t want or like or need, you know, you may need an SUV and you may qualify for a car and then you’re going to pay in you know, on $15,000 worth of financing. You’re going to pay in $13,000 worth of interest and so you calculating your down payment now all of a sudden you’re paying double for a car you really didn’t intend to buy so that was the motivation for starting this company because after 12 years of seeing that man it was just it was really hard.
So you’re you’re working in so you work your way up for everybody doesn’t know quarter is kind of like a valet right for the car. The the car dealership, so yeah Right. So it’s like anybody that’s in the business world. They start in the mailroom. They work their way up, you know, if you work for me as a real estate agent, you’re working to doing those cold calls in the morning and work your way up. So, Matt, let me ask you something. I think I already know this. And I believe the listeners already know this. But what was that aha moment? That one moment, because everybody has that one moment. What was that aha moment that said, I’m going to start helping people restore their credit.
For me, it was I think it was the fact that I would go in and do everything I could to help somebody. And I just got no support because I was continuously hammered. It was best for the store, and not always best for the customer. And I think it clicked when I was like, You know what, this just doesn’t feed my soul anymore. And I’m just no longer one to do it.
Was there a certain customer that you looked into his or her eyes and said, Man, this is it. This I can’t do this in mixture of all of them.
numerous, numerous customers, they look at each other bro before they sign in at 22%. And they’re like, well, I guess we got to do it and just like watching somebody, you know, sign under duress,
that it was just one of the worst things in the world just because they needed that that car, right?
Yeah, well, we’re South Florida, right. So like, you can take a subway. It’s not like you can take a bus. It just doesn’t work that way here.
Yeah, I have some car salesman friends and they’ll joke around and say a rough rides better than a bumpy walk any time or, you know, was it two rubber heels is better or four rubber wheels is better than two rubber heels. It’s crazy silly. They kind of push them in almost like cattle, right?
Yeah, it’s unfortunate because you you are somebody who’s got a $200 $300 budget, right? You hit it, you know, 810 thousand dollars at 22%. There’s your budget, right? And that person’s cars got 6070 80,000 miles on it. So now you talk about maintenance jugaad Deke about gas and now all of a sudden, three years down the road they still own nearly what they borrowed because all the interest is paid up front they’re in a car that needs maintenance they can’t afford tires and it just it never gets better and really the bigger challenges are really more unfortunate part is there at the dealership the dealership selling Yeah, just make 12 payments and come in and refinance or this will help your credit you know and and none of that’s true. You know, it’s just that you know that car sale first mentality not customer first mentality.
Well, it’s interesting as you think that there’s really anything that’s kind of like a conspiracy theory with these car dealerships and interest do they make stuff on the back end? Is that is that the story with the financing? The car dealerships get a kickback if they get the higher interest by the banks of financing How does that work? Because again, you forgot more about this financing than I’ll ever know or care to know.
Yeah, so in a in a bad or will be called subprime credit situation. There’s not much kickback to the dealer. A lot of times it’s it’s the Banks holding the dealer hostage as well as you know, they have like these big upfront fees, right? Two Grand 1500 three grand, depending on how bad the credit is. And the bank is saying themselves, well, you don’t like the rate you don’t like the fees, you can go ahead and try and get this person bought somewhere else. It’s whatever you want to do, you know, no big deal. So let’s pay him like $100 flat, or they’ll pay him like, you know, allow them to sell a warranty. But again, it’s the bank’s warranties they make money on that they allow them to sell gap insurance Guess what, it’s the banks gap insurance and so nobody wins in that scenario except the bank so it’s a lose dealer near nearly most of the time. It’s definitely lose customer it’s definitely lose finance major because because those deals are really tough to get done anyway, with proof of income and interviews they have to do over the phone references they have to call so you put a piece of metal on the road, it could be two, three weeks before you even get, you know funded on it and it’s just it just sucks dude.
Well, okay, so you walked away from A pretty lucrative business, you know, as a sales and finance manager. Yeah. And you and I are kind of cut some from the same sheets because we’re both entrepreneurial and we’re moving forward. Yep. We’re all about helping people. But what did your family Think about this, this choice for you to step into your
own? Oh my god, man. So my wife, God bless my wife, man. So I came home and I kind of came home with this feeling led to do this, you know, I come home and I told my wife, hey, look, this is what happened. I really felt the Holy Spirit come on me when I when I was talking to a friend about this. And I really just you’re like, this is this is what we’re going to transition to. But I need you on board. And God bless my wife, man. Because Because an extra got our mouth where I’m in and have my faith in me. It wasn’t like understanding. It wasn’t like God gave us this vision. God gave me this vision, not us and required a lot of faith and honestly, bro, she has been so supportive. And she’s had her moments of failure where she’s like, hey, I want you to go back to work. And hey, this isn’t working. But you know, we’re sitting So close, even at this very moment to to a very good breakthrough. And, you know, I keep telling her it’s not always going to be like this. And you know, God bless her because she didn’t sign up for this. When we met, I was making very nice six figures. We lived in a very nice home in a country club. We were driving very nice cars. And in order to launch this business, we gave it all up. Everybody
talked about leapin Hey, huge, huge. Hey, my listeners, I want you to really hear that and internalize that. You can’t do anything without a team and format to have this life that he has now is he started his keeps progressing helping people. He had the backing of his wife and that’s just fantastic. Matt, you kind of touched on that a little bit where you almost maybe certain times through it all the way but give our listeners a glimpse of maybe your worst moment of growing credit fixed me now.
Oh, man. Okay, so this is a pretty interesting story. And it nearly happened. Right away, and it was one of those moments where, you know, okay, so I was going to launch this business and I had a company that I was gonna launch with that had 20,000 active people in your database. And we were going to launch with these with this company. Yeah. Right. And I was like, This is gonna be great. And we’re gonna, we’re gonna be successful right away. And man, this is awesome. And so we set up all the infrastructure, right? I got an in house processor, Bro, I got an office, I signed a lease, I bought computers. I hire an assistant because I’m like, Look, if 20,000 these people have access to real credit repair, right? So I can really help them. Even if 10% if we had a 90% fail rate. I’m still going to sign up 2000 people, right. I can’t process 2000 people. I can’t do 2000 interviews. I just can’t do it. So we spent a lot of money to open it up. And when I went to that person, I said, All right. Hey, look, everything’s done. We’re all set up. We’re ready to go. They were like, Nah, I’m good. I don’t I don’t want to do that. So here I am. Now. build a business from zero with an overhead I couldn’t I couldn’t afford and I had I actually had to go back to work. Okay, so
how everybody out there is listening. So you just said go back to work. But how did you? Obviously you have your very faith based which I love that about you back that faith with a persistence that obviously now that we’re hearing because you’re still doing it doesn’t recognize failure yet other other than prayer and what you had turned to? How did you make it through that moment? I
mean, I’d be honest, I felt so defeated in that moment, you know, and I just remember that God’s never going to bring you to something and then leave you there, right. He’s always going to lead you to it and then lead you through it. And honestly, it was a great, it was a great thing that because now the way that the company is positioned, I outsource the processing, so I don’t mean in house processor. I run everything from my iPad. I don’t even need a computer, right? I do everything manually and a lot of automations are set in place. So I don’t always talk to my customers every month. I didn’t need the system. it. So I know sometimes people like oh, well, you failed Well, okay, I see it as learning a lesson because I, I really look at what was removed it was really removed for the better. I don’t need it, I didn’t need it. And even the best part about it, honestly was going back to work the particulars dealership that I went back to I got more customers out of my, you know, office for my credit repair company that did customers for the dealership. And then the best part about that was is I actually got fired from that dealership for lowering the customer’s payment, because he openly confessed that he couldn’t afford it. And then I haven’t been back. So it was one of those moments where I went to my wife and I said, this is going to continue to happen to us. I’m really tired of going back to stores. You know, I was working every Sunday bro. I was working till 11 o’clock at night, you know, all the things that I’m trying to get away from. And he were back in the mix of it to make bills and and that was fine. It was okay. But my heart wasn’t in it and then to come home and tell her you know, I got a favorite From a bank to lower this guy’s payment because you couldn’t afford it, we were going to save them $175 a month bro. And in the dealership said, we don’t we don’t do that here. And they rolled the payment to profit and said never changed the sales price. All I did was get an exception for the rate, significantly better rate the deal was accepted by the manager. So the sales price never changed. They took that hundred and $75 times 36 months, man, and they rolled it to the top line and make more money. And I said that I’m GM and I said look, this isn’t you know what we talked about? We talked about helping this guy out. He’s like, we don’t do that here and they fired me. Wow.
Crazy, right? That’s That’s incredible. But you know it like you say things things happen and you’re being led in the right direction. You know, and it sounds like you really grew your business and correct me if I’m wrong. That kind of a addition by subtraction you took a lot of the stuff out there was clogging up your business and you said you kind of downed it, dumbed it down a little bit You’re running a lot on your iPad, and whatnot. So what what technology are using? Because there’s what I’m saying this because I let’s I digress. You, you are in the credit restoration business. And I’m the first to know that I am very hesitant about sending people to credit restoration businesses. So what makes you stand out above the other ones?
Okay. Well, I think first and foremost, we actually do the work. I think, I think why everybody is so hesitant to refer out to a credit restoration company is because it’s, it’s, it’s a black, black guy business. And I think that’s the truth. Right? So there are software companies out there that make you believe that that you know, this is so easy, not everybody can do it, right. So there’s a particular software company that claims to be a complete business in a box and but you still have to read the credit reports. You still have to know what you’re looking at you After do the sales, you still have to understand the customer service looks like you still have to be able to interpret the different accounts and then know which letter to send. So yeah, they’ll give you the CRM, yeah, they’ll give you a letter library to choose from, but you still have to know what you’re doing. And I think the biggest challenges is for even for you, is you don’t know who’s knocking on your door. Now you and I have gone through my business extensively. I’ve you know, peel back the curtain for you to see we do the work, we get the results, you know, I’ve got pre approval proof, and five star rated on Google, we upload all our results, but let’s just say that you’re in the market for a credit restoration guy and you just are in a bind and you take the first one that knocks on your door, you don’t know if it’s me, or you don’t know if it’s one of these other people that have been sucked into the marketing from this, you know, software company that leads them to believe that they can do it and the truth is that they can. So I think what sets me apart is that not only do I do the work, we get the results, but we put the time and I have 12 years experience I have whole entire processing department, we have a room of 13 people that just sit around and write letters all day. You know, and I think once that’s conveyed, I think that stigma really goes away.
That’s fantastic. So there’s a lot of hands on and personal touch that goes on within credit fix me now correct?
Yeah, well, yeah, that and you know what YouTube channel man I, the YouTube channel, we kill it because it’s the same credit education that I gave on the initial welcome call, I email that link. No, I email that link to somebody twice a month until they watch it, they’re going to get so tired of me pushing this YouTube channel that they’re either going to comply, or they’re not. And I absolutely love the fact that we have two different types of clients. You know, we have driven clients who say, All right, I’m in this space. Now I want to be in a different space, and nothing is going to stop me from getting there. And then we have motivated clients. It’s like getting a gym membership, right? It’s like, Okay, I got the membership. And I’m going to go but then I don’t go well. I was motivated enough to enroll in credit repair. But now what and so we just keep hammering home and eventually they catch on. And we’ve seen a lot more success lately than failure with the introduction of the YouTube channel.
So your persistence to help people is what’s what’s standing out to me and I’m sure the standing out to our listeners right now, Matt that that’s awesome. Got a few questions for you. That’s a little bit you know, off the cuff here. But what?
What you’re me You’re still relatively young man. But what would thank Matt Matt side del tau the 18 to 20 year old Matt sidell. about life.
Oh, man, I think if I were to write a letter to my former self, I don’t know that I would change anything. You know, the scars, my past the failures. It all made me into the man that I am today. But I think that if I were going to tell my younger self something, I think that I struggled a lot with inaccurate inadequacy when I was younger. I got abandoned when I was 13 by my mom and then raised by my brothers Who was significantly older and really trying to live his own life. And so I got kind of left out in the cold. And so I think if I were going to tell my 18 and 20 year old self something, I would just tell him that I love him and that he is loved. That’s
awesome. That’s powerful, man. That’s powerful. What? Okay, let’s take your cell phone out of it. Okay, what are three things that you could not live without?
Bang energy drinks.
I was gonna call the gym but man that bang. He makes that awesome. Gotcha. Alright, so
lastly, kind of deep thought question here.
What does Matt sideout know for sure.
I know for sure that I have a purpose. And I know for sure that I’m very, very close to living out what God’s called me to do. I’ve been praying really Time for positioning and I think it’s all about really to come together I believe that I know for sure that I’m really close and that it’s not just
a vision anymore it’s about to be reality I
love it. I love it all right now but we got on both platforms whether it’s time to shine today or the South Florida real estate business lifestyle, we have our level up lightning round that is four or five questions you and I could talk for 20 minutes on each one of them but I need the answer in like five to seven seconds. So take your sip your bang All right, you’re right a rock. Yeah, let’s do this. Let’s do this. All right. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Take it as it comes.
Beautiful. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success
other than your own website credit fix me now and of course time to shine today calm and agent Ferguson back. Can you recommend To us another excellent internet resource.
I would say the biggest one that I use is my credit monitoring software. That’s where we we do all our credit reviews and information. So I can’t live without that website.
recommend to our listeners a book to read those pick up and read
the Bible.
Beautiful. Awesome in last question.
What’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s? Oh man, I’m born in the 80s so 90s heavy metal I’m telling you, bro, you want to push new PR the gym? Yeah,
Love it. Love it. You if you if you’re watching this on our video and our YouTube channel, see this guy is put together pretty well. And so real quick before we end leave us with a little Knowledge Nugget that you want the listeners to take with them.
Okay, so, credit education is more important than deletions. And I know that Sounds really silly. But I’ve got really two different types of clients, clients, you get that and clients that don’t, I’ve got a guy in for pre approval now. He’s been with me for months, we’ve got zero deletions, and he’s up 159 points, its credit education that drives a score up, not necessarily solutions. I’ve got another customer that has just about just over 50 deletions. And as credit scores only at 40 points. The differences in the ability to understand that your credit score is a numerical representation of credit worthiness. And credit worthiness is really enhanced when you take a look at three really good questions that make up you know, 80% of your score. Can you borrow money and use it correctly? Can you pay it back on time? And can you do that consistently? And when you answer those questions, yes, with more accounts, no matter how many things we get off that are negative, that will have the biggest impact in your score than anything else that you can do.
Beautiful. And Matt, how can we find you
Oh call my my cell you can go to the website www credit fix me now calm. You can YouTube channel its credit fix me now on YouTube and whatever it is that I can do and and hopefully a ton of referrals from you.
Awesome, beautiful listeners, I’m going to put all of those links in the show notes. And as we know, we’re the product of the five closest people that we surround ourselves with. And those people have to be top five being people who stay humble while staying hungry. Those who daily level up their health and level up their wealth, all while serving people are the kind of people we want to be around. And Matt, I’m privileged to have you as part of my squad and to be able to bring your message out to the masses here. All right, man. So thank you so much for coming on. Well, virtually.
Thanks for having me. I appreciate the opportunity, bro. And I like that little ending there. That was really good. Thanks,
man. Appreciate it. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of Time to shine today podcast proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nuget.com. If you’re a business owner, a professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting that. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: The lips of god by urmymuse (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/60168 Ft: spinningmerkaba