Welcome to Episode 003.I got to sit down with my ‘boss’ Talbot Sutter of Sutter and Nugent Real Estate. His motto is Real Estate Excellence. A millenial that has a drive like no other and a huge heart to give! Enjoy!
Always always always return phone calls!
– Talbot Sutter
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Talbot’s Company Website: www.sutterandnugent.com
Sutter and Nugent Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/SUTTERANDNUGENT/
Talbots Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sutterre/
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Speech Transcription
Hi, this is Calvin Southern senator Nugent real estate excellence. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine. Today podcast my great friends y’all have an awesome day.
Hey, Hey everybody, Scott Ferguson here with another cross pollination episode between time to shine today podcasts and also South Florida real estate, business and lifestyle. I have a special treat for you today. His name’s Talbot Sutter. He’s kind of like my little brother, but light years ahead of where I was at his age. And so I want it on both platforms because he’s consistently leveling up his life. He’s building a family along with a magnificent business. This kid has put together five offices about 170 real estate agents here in South Florida. So for my time to shine side. I want you to really get out your notebooks and take some notes About how to grow fast yet how to actually care while you’re growing. And for myself Florida real estate and business and lifestyle listeners. I want you to meet Talbot. He is the broker owner of Sutter in Nugent. Real Estate real estate excellence here in South Florida is also one of the sponsors of our show. So without further ado, let’s bring on Talbot Sutter.
All right time to shine barsy squad at Scott Ferguson and I got one of my favorite dudes that walks the Earth right now and congratulations to this guy. He’s just had his baby number two Sterling I have no idea why he didn’t name her Scotland, but that’s okay. Talbot Sutter is a lifelong resident Palm Beach Gardens attended Benjamin High School very elite school here in South Florida. graduate from Florida State go Knowles. I won’t hold that against him either. In January 2014, Talbot forum Southern Nugent, a full service, upscale real residential and commercial real estate company to better service customers and to provide a level of personal service really found in the industry. The company specialize in working with sellers and buyers in the palm beaches and throughout Florida. with emphasis on luxury properties waterfront real estate and premier neighborhoods. Welcome to show brother and if you could quickly share with the time to shine bursty squad. What’s your favorite color and why?
favorite color is red. And why I don’t know my entire life. I’ve loved it. It kind of you know makes a statement as soon as you enter a room if you’re wearing it. If you’re driving it makes a statement shows people who you are. I just like it.
I love it. I love it. It fits with your millennialism Let me tell you squat. This guy like millennials, I don’t really bag on millennials too much but he is The he should have grown up in my generation X age because he is always out there getting after it. He listens to people he cares about people not say millennials don’t. But he does. And it’s just he’s a different breed. And that’s why I wanted to bring him on and get him and his voice out to you and how he built a multi agent multi million dollar company in South Florida in a very short time. And again, tell me how old are you but 3131
on the 22nd You got one coming up from 24
the 21st Good try though, but I love you lose it. So you’ll be 31 this year or you’re you’ll be 3232 Okay, 32 minus six is 26. You started this company when you’re 25 or 26. Yeah, right. So you went to Florida State. You got a degree in real estate, I correct
real estate and finance,
real estate and finance. So let me ask you something when you get out of college. I know that because I know you your parents did help out some of college but I know you pulled your own weight lived in the student ghettos there in Tallahassee and stuff like that. Let me ask you something. What did your family think about you getting out of college with a degree going into a business where you don’t have to have one.
They were against it at first. They kind of wanted me to go into the finance route of working for a bank. At one point, I was in Chicago for two weeks, in December, freezing cold, got out of there after literally 14 days and said screw this. I’m coming back down to South Florida. I’m doing real estate.
That’s awesome man. In the finance world. Nice. So you started with a big company? Correct? Yeah, that’s established here in South Florida. Yeah, correct. So what gave you the mindset or the honies to think that you could go off on your own cuz your names on the shingle? I mean, look at a shirt squad. If you’re watching the video, it’s Sutter Nugent. He’s the name on the shingle. This is the guy. So what makes you You think you could just get out of, you know, a big company and just go out on your own.
So kind of in a nutshell, what happened was at this larger company was a great company love the people there that I was working with. We were trying to get back to the basics of real estate and get away from charging the fees, you know, charging the monthly costs, the signup costs, all the printing costs, all the kind of bogus charges that brokerages do, and at that time, it was a down market. So they’re trying to make money one way or the other without the agents even selling anything. So when I was working with somebody in the company was trying to get back to you know, getting agents actually in the field working making money by, you know, doing transactions, and something happened at the company where somebody passed away. And my goals just weren’t in line with anybody else at that time. So at that point, I was sitting there kind of, you know, beating against a dead tree and I said, You know what, I’m going to take this concept and bring it to Sutter Nugent. And, you know, ever since then it’s kind of been, you know, that’s our philosophy now getting back to the basics of real estate, using technology to our advantage. And at the same time, you know, the old school techniques that still work today with a new age twist.
So you wanted to bring the best of both worlds together that
right, the best of both worlds and really get back to the root of what a real estate company is. And that’s not something that charges people fees, but something that you know, helps people make a living in real estate.
Beautiful, beautiful. So you went at 26 years old, you went out on your own and let me tell you a squad. I know and there’s a full disclosure here and as you all know, I am a real estate agent of Florida so I’m actually talking to my boss right now. I have my my Ferguson team hung under Talbot shingle, but I don’t go anywhere and I’ve been doing this 21 years and I don’t go anywhere unless the leader ship is in place where I can trust it. I know that they’ll be there for me and in a pinch, so tell it tell me something 26 years old until now. So that’s it gets eight years or so.
What do you think makes a good leader?
Somebody that is in the trenches every day and that’s why I kind of you know not to toot my own horn but pride myself and being out there with our guys every day or not sitting in the office you know, fielding phone calls of people complaining but actually in the trenches, you know, doing deals with our agents, you know, side by side going on appointments with them. You know, one of our associates down in Pompano last night called me, he submitted a 1.5 on a multi family and I was working with him at 11 o’clock last night when I was in hospital waiting for a baby. So I had myself, I’m doing 24 seven. I think that’s what makes a good leader.
Absolutely. So being there for your squad at all times, as well as being a family man, obviously. So there’s that balance. That’s going to happen there. Right? Right. Oh, what was your aha moment? That made you think I want I okay, we already talked about you’re freezing up up north. And I know that because I know you you did open houses and stuff like that for your mom, who by the way, squad is, is a huge agent down here in South Florida. We call her the queen of PJ national. But what was your aha moment to say, Listen, I’m going to be in the real estate business outside of the whole cold. I would say the the aha moment was when I came down and I was running into that I’ve had my real estate license. Now for for 12 years, so I got it before I went to college, you know, was just doing little side things with different companies. But when I came back down after that little stint in Chicago, I, I really thought it was going to turn into something when everybody I met in town at that point in time, was getting ready to either rent a place coming home from college, or, you know, buy their first home.
And I started seeing all these people coming back into Palm Beach County, either for jobs or they couldn’t find jobs, they’re moving back home, and their parents are helping them with rent or buy a place. And that was when I was like, Oh my god, there’s a huge, huge field of people to tap into there. And then it kind of just branched off from that.
Gotcha. So you, you built the momentum off of your passion then right? Right. Gotcha. All right. So it’s, it’s going good, but you’re also ahead we have a about I’m just going to throw this number out there probably 160 hundred and 65 agents that you oversee all of them, okay, so you’re going to have good days and bad days. I’m sure that the good days outweigh them. But let me ask some what to this date is your worst entrepreneur, entrepreneurial or leadership moment?
Worst leadership moment?
I would say.
worst moment, I would say probably losing
three deals in one day that accumulated to about 12 million in business. Wow. That was myself and one of our other agents that probably shouldn’t happen if you were to answer our phone in time. That was one mistake will never happen again.
Gotcha. Yeah. So that’s that’s a hurt is a squat. If you start doing your math, the average Commission’s about 3% times 12 billion is the commission that Sutter Nugent was looking to make. So yeah, that could be a that could be a hurt little thorn in the side. That was one that
Two and a half years ago, and that’ll never have
people pick up their phone. Get going, right. So let me have some time a young man. But what would the 3132 year old Talbot tell the 18 year old Talbot right now?
I would say, most importantly, and we see it with with people coming on board is to stay humble. Don’t forget your roots. I know you and I’ve talked about that in the past. It’s something I truly believe in. You can’t get successful and then forget about what you were like when you weren’t successful. Because what you were like when you weren’t successful, is what drives you to become successful. So as soon as you forget that, you know, you might be riding high for you know, 567 years, but eventually you’re going to crash and burn. So you got to remember the roots. Remember what drove you to to that success and be thankful for the people that help you along the way? Don’t push people so I would go back And I tell that 18 year old to wising up and and you know not forget
you know it’s funny squad is a Talbot says this. I mean he knows my story because we kind of have like a brother relationship. But I wish I would have had that tough it told me that when I was younger, because I love it everybody out there knows my story. So they they lost everything. I wish I had that coming my way. So I’m sure that your agents appreciate that being humble. And you actually listening and having to work towards, you know, solutions to problems as long as they’re present. And humble as well. Correct?
Right. Gotcha.
All right. Let me ask you something. What one thing in life do you know for sure.
One thing for sure. Two things death and taxes but my man
that I would say everything comes around So, you know, you do right by people in our business, it might be less money and a smaller check up front, but it turns around and pays itself off tenfold. So comes back and referrals, it comes back and you know, good press, it can take, you know, 30 years to build a reputation and about five minutes to blow it. So you gotta believe in karma in this business.
I feel Yeah, I feel that’s that’s excellent. All right. Let me ask you something. What are without leaving out your cell phone? What are three things in life you can’t live without
three things in life. I can’t live without I would say number one, family.
Number two,
I would say
so one family to I would say probably
our weather in South Florida.
I couldn’t I couldn’t be I love real estate but I couldn’t be going up north
about that drink sitting in front of
My bad
gunking my secret.
I love it. I love it. All right give me give the squad your definition of a life well lived
definition of a life well lived I’d say, doing what makes you happy. If you’re if you’re in real estate and and you’re successful, but you’re not happy, it’s going to be a miserable business. So some of the happiest people I see aren’t the ones making the highest checks, but they’re the ones that they’re doing it they’re not counting what they make every year, but they’re still making a great living but they love what they do. So I’d say that that’s definitely the most important
helped me out tenfold. Alright, we’re gonna roll into what is we kind of wind everything down. We’re gonna roll into what we call our little fired up lightning round. You got like five to seven seconds to answer these questions. Now the questions could take 20 minutes you can I could speak forever on each one of these. But tell us Real quick five to seven second answer on each one of these questions. All right. What was holding you back from being a leader entrepreneur?
I would say myself.
Just pride.
Gotcha. What’s the best to leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
That’s lovely enough advice I’ve ever received is probably not forgetting your roots.
Gotcha. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Waking up before the sun rises, love is one of my most important ones.
So outside of Sutter and Nugent com, recommend to our squad, a great internet source to go out and level up their life.
I would say. I mean, a great internet source that I love is in men and manouse, especially if you’re in the business and real estate, talks about leadership talks about technology talks about all the new things happening in our business.
Beautiful recommend to our squad. Looks like you got some books back there but recommend a book to share and why.
One of my favorites that was passed down to me from my mom who was given to her by her grandfather who was also in real estate, jack Nugent. But what’s the secret? The Secret one of my favorite books?
Making a burn.
Yeah, makes you appreciate everything in life. Make a list of what you’re happy for.
Excellent. Alright, last question. Best decade of music 70s 80s or 90s
absolutely 70s Classic Rock.
We could definitely hang out. We do already anyway, but that’s true. Alright, so lastly, leave time to sign squad. You know, we’re always looking to level up. And we are always dropping knowledge nuggets back and forth to each other. Leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget.
One last Knowledge Nugget. I would
double up your life. Sorry. Yeah, lovely. Love your life.
Treat it treat yourself well.
You know your body is a temple and you got to you know, work it you got to exercise it, you got to you know, treat it like you treat your car you know you don’t take your car and you know bash it up every weekend you wax it, you shine it, keep it nice, keep it running, get to keep your body running good. It’ll keep your mind running good. And then you know, circulates in your business. So I would say it’s a it’s a full circle thing with starting to treat yourself right.
I love that. All right varsity squad. As we always say, to continuously level up your life you need to surround yourself with top notch people that are also leveling up their life who walked the walk, who level up their health, and level up your wealth. And Talbot I’m so blessed to have you as part of my squad. Thank you for taking time out of your valuable day when you just had a baby at 4am this morning. So thank you so much, brother.little tired. I’m sorry.
No, you’re fine, man. Give a virtual fist pump. Awesome, man. Appreciate your chat soon. Yeah. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter and nugent.com. If your business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting that. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: The lips of god by urmymuse (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/60168 Ft: spinningmerkaba